what to expect on a gorilla trek

What To Expect on a Gorilla Trek

On a gorilla trek, expect to hike for extended hours, husking your way and crouching through misty rain forest jungle on uneven terrain. You’ll be in the company of seven other trekkers, a pair of armed rangers, and an expert tracker guide armed with a machete till you find a gorilla family and spend an hour in close proximity with them.

Whatever means you use to get to the gorilla parks in southwestern Uganda, lower your gorilla trekking expectations to the least possible level. You’ll be surprised at the terrific experience on your gorilla safari in Uganda when you don’t push everything around to fit your expectations.

Most probably, you’ll have booked in the closest lodgings to the trailhead. Have your driver drop you at the briefing point by 08:00 with your packed lunch and be suitably dressed for the jungle trek  Carry a copy of your passport, packed luck, and your camera in a light backpack.

A lead guide-ranger will brief you on the dos and don’ts for gorilla trekking and what you should expect heading into the jungle at the trailhead.

After the briefing, two armed rangers flanking your group of eight trekkers will escort you into the wilderness with the guidance of a tracker guide armed with a walkie-talkie. The armed rangers are for your security if your group meets wild animals like elephants and any unexpected insecurity in the jungle.

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