What are the chances that you’ll see the mountain gorillas

What are the chances that you’ll see the mountain gorillas?

Every trekker’s chances to meet the mountain gorillas on a Uganda gorilla trek are pretty high and assuring. UWA trailhead offices send out a group of rangers to track a gorilla troop from where they left them nesting the previous evening. When they find them, the rangers stick with the gorillas on the foraging expeditions and radio-call out to your lead ranger guide with updates on their location bearings. It’s typical for a lead guide to talk on a walkie-talkie during your trek.

Previously, the trekking team of 11 people (8 trekkers, 2 rangers, and 1 guide) had to find the spot where gorillas nested the previous night and track their way to the gorillas with no assurance of finding the gorillas at all.

Today, if the early morning rangers don’t find the gorillas due to unfortunate night jungle events like wild fights, your team will know before they set off from the trailhead and assign you another gorilla troop. 99% of all trekkers in Uganda get their chance to meet the incredible mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.

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